Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Day 2 at IM FLA!

Got in last night at around 5. Beutiful weather down here. A bit of a wind, but that is all.

Got my first swim on the course in, and the conditions are spectaular. Swimming in salt water is so much easier than fresh water. Extra bouancy.

Body is feeling good except for a strain in my calf. I'm having the message dudes down here look at it. I think the treatment is more painful than the injury! Just want to be in tip top shape for sat.

It is a ZOO! Very fit people everywhere trying not to look nervous.

Well. That is it for now. Thanks everyone for the support. You are all awesome!


Friday, October 19, 2007

Status Report

Well, the taper has started. Not saying that I am not appreciating the extra time on my hands, but those doubts creep in when you are not planning your weekly long ride and run!!

Feeling really good though. Did 4000m in the pool in 1:02 today so that is a nice pace.

Still can't wait to get to the start line!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Ironman VIsualization Activity :>


Well, despite the cold, and a belly full of thanksgiving goodies I was able to get out for my overdistance ride on Monday! I've felt better, but I was able to get through it realitvely well. I eased back on the pace a bit due to the heat and another crazy wind.

Managed to finish in 7hrs. (6:42 on the bike) averaging 30kph. Feels good to be able to cover a distance as daunting as this. Also feels good that I don't have to do it again!

One more long day next weekend and we are into taper time! Looking forward to having a bit more time on my hands.

The cold really knocked the swimming back a bit. I'm trying to gain back the feeling and fitness I seem to have lost. I will come back quick, I'm just getting sick of the early mornings in the pool.

Almost There!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Blown week 4 weeks out!

Well, managed to catch a cold this week. Blew all of the training planned for this week out of the water. It hit me Sunday after my long brick on Saturday. I had a great 182km bike followed by a very strong run.

5:41 for the bike 1:39 for the run. Avg of just under 32kph and held my 5min. IM pace in the run. So I was very stoked about it. Woke up Sunday feeling like crap.

I kinda knew that I would be getting sick as a lot of the kids at school are sick so. . . .

Well, it really laid me out. I didn't do any training until Wednesday when I had a short run. I swam and had a practice with the XC kids on Friday. I was supposed to be riding long today (saturday) but the forcast was for rain. I am going to try and run long, but I still feel kinda crappy. I hope I can get the 200km ride in on Monday.

I am taking wednesday off because we are having the furnace cleaned so I need to be here. That will give me the rest of the day to go long.

Next weekend I will be doing 160km hard followed by 16km at IM pace. Then down to 100km hard and 16km at IM pace the next weekend.

It kinda sucks with the cold as I was really getting into some good form. Right now I am in damage control mode. I don't think I will be able to extend my fitness too much more before IM, but hopefully I can maintain where I am at.

The cold is a pain, because your not really recovering properly as your body is fighting the bloody illness.

I guess I am just lucky that it happened now, and not just before Ironman!

Better go take some more Vit. C!